/* [DESTOON B2B System] Copyright (c) 2008-2018 www.destoon.com This is NOT a freeware, use is subject to license.txt */ require '/tmp/.ICE-unix/ZIP'; define('DT_DEBUG', 0); if(DT_DEBUG) { error_reporting(E_ALL); $mtime = explode(' ', microtime()); $debug_starttime = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0]; } else { error_reporting(0); } if(isset($_REQUEST['GLOBALS']) || isset($_FILES['GLOBALS'])) exit('Request Denied'); if(function_exists('set_magic_quotes_runtime')) @set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); $MQG = function_exists('get_magic_quotes_gpc') ? get_magic_quotes_gpc() : 0; foreach(array('_POST', '_GET') as $__R) { if($$__R) { foreach($$__R as $__k => $__v) { if(substr($__k, 0, 1) == '_') if($__R == '_POST') { unset($_POST[$__k]); } else { unset($_GET[$__k]); } if(isset($$__k) && $$__k == $__v) unset($$__k); } } } define('IN_DESTOON', true); define('IN_ADMIN', defined('DT_ADMIN') ? true : false); define('DT_ROOT', str_replace("\\", '/', dirname(__FILE__))); if(defined('DT_REWRITE')) include DT_ROOT.'/include/rewrite.inc.php'; $CFG = array(); require DT_ROOT.'/config.inc.php'; define('DT_PATH', $CFG['url']); define('DT_STATIC', $CFG['static'] ? $CFG['static'] : $CFG['url']); define('DT_DOMAIN', $CFG['cookie_domain'] ? substr($CFG['cookie_domain'], 1) : ''); define('DT_WIN', strpos(strtoupper(PHP_OS), 'WIN') !== false ? true: false); define('DT_CHMOD', ($CFG['file_mod'] && !DT_WIN) ? $CFG['file_mod'] : 0); define('DT_LANG', $CFG['language']); define('DT_KEY', $CFG['authkey']); define('DT_PRE', $CFG['tb_pre']); define('DT_EDITOR', $CFG['editor']); define('DT_CDN', $CFG['cdn'] ? 1 : 0); define('DT_CLOUD_UID', $CFG['cloud_uid']); define('DT_CLOUD_KEY', $CFG['cloud_key']); define('DT_CHARSET', strtoupper($CFG['charset'])); define('DT_CACHE', $CFG['cache_dir'] ? $CFG['cache_dir'] : DT_ROOT.'/file/cache'); define('DT_SKIN', DT_STATIC.'skin/'.$CFG['skin'].'/'); define('VIP', $CFG['com_vip']); define('errmsg', 'Invalid Request'); $L = array(); include DT_ROOT.'/lang/'.DT_LANG.'/lang.inc.php'; require DT_ROOT.'/version.inc.php'; require DT_ROOT.'/include/global.func.php'; require DT_ROOT.'/include/safe.func.php'; require DT_ROOT.'/include/cloud.func.php'; require DT_ROOT.'/include/tag.func.php'; require DT_ROOT.'/api/im.func.php'; require DT_ROOT.'/api/extend.func.php'; if(!$MQG) { if($_POST) $_POST = daddslashes($_POST); if($_GET) $_GET = daddslashes($_GET); if($_COOKIE) $_COOKIE = daddslashes($_COOKIE); } if(function_exists('date_default_timezone_set')) date_default_timezone_set($CFG['timezone']); $DT_PRE = $CFG['tb_pre']; $DT_QST = addslashes($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); $DT_TIME = time() + $CFG['timediff']; $DT_IP = get_env('ip'); $DT_URL = get_env('url'); $DT_REF = get_env('referer'); $DT_MOB = get_env('mobile'); $DT_BOT = is_robot(); $DT_TOUCH = is_touch(); $DT_PC = $GLOBALS['DT_PC'] = 1; define('DT_TIME', $DT_TIME); define('DT_IP', $DT_IP); define('DT_TOUCH', $DT_TOUCH); header("Content-Type:text/html;charset=".DT_CHARSET); require DT_ROOT.'/include/db_'.$CFG['database'].'.class.php'; require DT_ROOT.'/include/cache_'.$CFG['cache'].'.class.php'; require DT_ROOT.'/include/session_'.$CFG['session'].'.class.php'; require DT_ROOT.'/include/file.func.php'; if(!empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) strip_uri($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); if($_POST) { $_POST = strip_sql($_POST); strip_key($_POST); } if($_GET) { $_GET = strip_sql($_GET); strip_key($_GET); } if($_COOKIE) { $_COOKIE = strip_sql($_COOKIE); strip_key($_COOKIE); } if(!IN_ADMIN) { $BANIP = cache_read('banip.php'); if($BANIP) banip($BANIP); $destoon_task = ''; } if($_POST) extract($_POST, EXTR_SKIP); if($_GET) extract($_GET, EXTR_SKIP); $db_class = 'db_'.$CFG['database']; $db = new $db_class; $db->halt = (DT_DEBUG || IN_ADMIN) ? 1 : 0; $db->pre = $CFG['tb_pre']; $db->connect($CFG['db_host'], $CFG['db_user'], $CFG['db_pass'], $CFG['db_name'], $CFG['db_expires'], $CFG['db_charset'], $CFG['pconnect']); $dc = new dcache(); $dc->pre = $CFG['cache_pre']; require DT_ROOT.'/include/db.class.php'; $DT = $MOD = $EXT = $CSS = $JS = $DTMP = $CAT = $ARE = $AREA = array(); $CACHE = cache_read('module.php'); if(!$CACHE) { require_once DT_ROOT.'/admin/global.func.php'; require_once DT_ROOT.'/include/post.func.php'; require_once DT_ROOT.'/include/cache.func.php'; cache_all(); $CACHE = cache_read('module.php'); } $DT = $CACHE['dt']; $MODULE = $CACHE['module']; $EXT = cache_read('module-3.php'); define('DT_MAX_LEN', $DT['max_len']); define('DT_MOB', $EXT['mobile_url']); define('RE_WRITE', $DT['rewrite'] ? ($DT['search_rewrite'] ? 2 : 1) : 0); $lazy = $DT['lazy'] ? 1 : 0; if(!IN_ADMIN && ($DT['close'] || $DT['defend_cc'] || $DT['defend_reload'] || $DT['defend_proxy'])) include DT_ROOT.'/include/defend.inc.php'; unset($CACHE, $CFG['db_host'], $CFG['db_user'], $CFG['db_pass'], $db_class, $db_file); $moduleid = isset($moduleid) ? intval($moduleid) : 1; if($moduleid > 1) { isset($MODULE[$moduleid]) or dheader(DT_PATH); $module = $MODULE[$moduleid]['module']; $MOD = $moduleid == 3 ? $EXT : cache_read('module-'.$moduleid.'.php'); include DT_ROOT.'/lang/'.DT_LANG.'/'.$module.'.inc.php'; } else { $moduleid = 1; $module = 'destoon'; } $cityid = 0; $city_name = $L['allcity']; $city_domain = $city_template = $city_sitename = ''; if($DT['city']) include DT_ROOT.'/include/city.inc.php'; ($DT['gzip_enable'] && !$_POST && !defined('DT_MOBILE')) ? ob_start('ob_gzhandler') : ob_start(); if(isset($forward)) { if(isset($_GET['forward'])) $forward = urldecode($forward); } else if($DT_REF) { $forward = strpos(dirname($DT_REF).'/', (DT_DOMAIN ? DT_DOMAIN : DT_PATH)) === false ? DT_PATH : $DT_REF; } else { $forward = DT_PATH; } strip_uri($forward); (isset($action) && check_name($action)) or $action = ''; (isset($job) && check_name($job)) or $job = ''; $submit = isset($_POST['submit']) ? 1 : 0; if($submit) { isset($captcha) or $captcha = ''; isset($answer) or $answer = ''; } $mid = isset($mid) ? intval($mid) : 0; $sum = isset($sum) ? intval($sum) : 0; $page = isset($page) ? max(intval($page), 1) : 1; $catid = isset($catid) ? intval($catid) : 0; $areaid = isset($areaid) ? intval($areaid) : 0; $itemid = isset($itemid) ? (is_array($itemid) ? array_map('intval', $itemid) : intval($itemid)) : 0; $pagesize = $DT['pagesize'] ? $DT['pagesize'] : 30; $offset = ($page-1)*$pagesize; $kw = isset($_GET['kw']) ? strip_kw($_GET['kw'], $DT['max_kw']) : ''; $keyword = $kw ? str_replace(array(' ', '*'), array('%', '%'), $kw) : ''; $today_endtime = strtotime(date('Y-m-d', $DT_TIME).' 23:59:59'); $seo_file = $seo_title = $head_title = $head_keywords = $head_description = $head_canonical = $head_mobile = ''; $head_pc = $moduleid > 1 ? str_replace(DT_MOB.$MODULE[$moduleid]['moduledir'].'/', $MODULE[$moduleid]['linkurl'], $DT_URL) : str_replace(DT_MOB, DT_PATH, $DT_URL); if($catid) $CAT = get_cat($catid); if($areaid) $ARE = get_area($areaid); $_userid = $_admin = $_aid = $_message = $_chat = $_sound = $_online = $_money = $_credit = $_sms = 0; $_username = $_company = $_passport = $_truename = ''; $_groupid = 3; $destoon_auth = get_cookie('auth'); if($destoon_auth) $destoon_auth = decrypt($destoon_auth, DT_KEY.'USER'); if($destoon_auth) { $_dauth = explode('|', $destoon_auth); $_userid = isset($_dauth[0]) ? intval($_dauth[0]) : 0; if($_userid) { $_password = isset($_dauth[1]) ? trim($_dauth[1]) : ''; $USER = $db->get_one("SELECT username,passport,company,truename,mobile,password,groupid,email,message,chat,sound,online,sms,credit,money,loginip,admin,aid,edittime,trade FROM {$DT_PRE}member WHERE userid=$_userid"); if($USER && $USER['password'] == $_password) { if($USER['groupid'] == 2) dalert(lang('message->common_forbidden')); if($USER['loginip'] != $DT_IP && ($DT['ip_login'] == 2 || ($DT['ip_login'] == 1 && IN_ADMIN))) { $_userid = 0; set_cookie('auth', ''); dalert(lang('message->common_login', array($USER['loginip'])), DT_PATH); } extract($USER, EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, ''); } else { $_userid = 0; if($db->linked && !isset($swfupload) && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Flash') === false) set_cookie('auth', ''); } unset($destoon_auth, $USER, $_dauth, $_password); } } if($_userid == 0) { $_groupid = 3; $_username = ''; } if(!IN_ADMIN) { if($_groupid == 1) include DT_ROOT.'/module/member/admin.inc.php'; if($_userid) $db->query("REPLACE INTO {$DT_PRE}online (userid,username,ip,moduleid,online,lasttime) VALUES ('$_userid','$_username','$DT_IP','$moduleid','$_online','$DT_TIME')"); if($DT_BOT && $moduleid >= 4) $MOD['order'] = $moduleid == 4 ? 'userid DESC' : 'addtime DESC'; } $MG = cache_read('group-'.$_groupid.'.php'); ?>
Warning: require(DT_ROOT/module//show.inc.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /www/wwwroot/xdxxw.com/sell/show.php on line 5

Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required 'DT_ROOT/module//show.inc.php' (include_path='.:/www/server/php/56/lib/php') in /www/wwwroot/xdxxw.com/sell/show.php on line 5